On Tuesday, the U.S. Department of Interior distributed FY 2018 Federal Payments in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) monies to counties.  California’s counties received approximately $60.4 million in payments.  

Most RCRC member counties experienced a significant increase in their Federal PILT payments, primarily the result of a loss in Secure Rural Schools & Community Self-Determination Act (SRS) payments from previous years.  The Federal PILT payments’ formula accounts for a loss in SRS; however, since SRS has been reauthorized for the next two years, next year’s Federal PILT payment levels will drop back down to their recent levels (assuming Congress reauthorizes for 2019).

Federal PILT payments to local governments help offset losses in property taxes due to non-taxable federal lands within their boundaries.  Federal PILT payments support a variety of local government programs and services, including police and fire departments, emergency medical services, and search and rescue operations.  

County-by-county Federal PILT payment’s for California can be accessed here.