At their Board of Directors meeting on Wednesday, the RCRC Board of Directors considered three statewide measures currently slated for the November 2018 ballot.  The measures included the Veterans and Affordable Housing Bond Act of 2018, the Tax Fairness, Transparency and Accountability Act of 2018, and the People’s Initiative to Protect Proposition 13 Savings Act. 

The Veterans and Affordable Housing Bond Act of 2018, also known as Senate Bill 3 (Beall), authorizes the issuance of $4 billion in General Obligation bonds for affordable housing.  The RCRC Board of Directs adopted a position of “No Position” on this measure.  The memo can be accessed here.

The Tax Fairness, Transparency and Accountability Act of 2018 seeks to restrict the ability of state and local governments to generate new revenues through taxes and fees.  The RCRC Board of Directors adopted an “Oppose” position on this measure.  The memo can be accessed here.

The People’s Initiative to Protect Proposition 13 Savings Act seeks to mandate the acceptance of base property taxes from another county, thereby eliminating the local option component of Proposition 90, thus lowering the amount of property tax revenues to California counties and other local jurisdictions without any corresponding revenue source, or elimination of any current county responsibilities.  The RCRC Board of Directors adopted an “Oppose” position on this measure.  The memo can be accessed here.