On Tuesday, RCRC Chair Bob Williams (Tehama) invited Greg Norton, RCRC President and CEO, Paul A. Smith, RCRC Vice President of Governmental Affairs, and Justin Caporusso, RCRC Vice President of External Affairs/Administration, to provide an organizational overview, and present an update on the organization’s 2017/18 legislative and regulatory priorities to the Colusa County Board of Supervisors.  Supervisor Williams opened the presentation outlining his goal to attend RCRC member Board of Supervisors meetings on the weeks that his county, Tehama, does not meet.  

RCRC staff provided an update on RCRC’s affiliate programs, Golden State Finance Authority, and National Homebuyers Fund, and discussed the current status of efforts related to State Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILT), soon-to-be-released proposed state regulations regarding commercial cannabis activities, funding for state and local transportation needs, and wildfire funding, among others.

A synopsis of RCRC’s 2017-18 legislative priorities can be accessed in a recent article from Supervisor Williams, titled The Year Ahead for California’s Rural Counties.