Last Friday, RCRC sent letters to the Assembly and Senate Budget Subcommittees in support of the Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (OES) Community Power Resiliency Budget Change Proposal (BCP) (0690-049-BCP-2020-GB).  

Specifically, RCRC supports the BCP of $50 million to “bolster community resiliency…in response to investor-owned utilities expanded use of power shutoff events.”  RCRC believes there are many critical facilities and infrastructure that need assistance to ensure their continued operation during a power outage.  RCRC also believes that additional facilities, like state fairgrounds, county elections offices, and food storage reserves play crucial roles in local resiliency efforts.  

While RCRC fully supports establishing a $50 million community resiliency grant program, effectiveness of the BCP will be highly dependent on whether the program is structured correctly.  For outlined details, RCRC’s letter can be accessed here