RCRC kicked off the New Year by engaging in multiple regulatory activities currently taking place at the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC).  This week, RCRC took the opportunity to make formal comments in the CPUC’s Wildfire Mitigations Plan (WMP) Proceeding, De-Energization (or PSPS) Proceeding, and the Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) Proceeding.  

On Monday, RCRC filed comments on the long-awaited evaluative materials for WMPs for the upcoming 2020 WMPs.  The CPUC is beginning the transition from an annual WMP process to a new process per the direction of Assembly Bill 1054 (Holden, 2019), which creates a new Wildfire Safety Division at the CPUC and requires utilities to have three-year WMPs in place.  

That same day, RCRC also submitted comments on the recently-granted motion that utility PSPS after action reports be included in the Proceeding’s record.  These utility-written reports are lackluster at best and require more insight and scrutiny by the CPUC and public in the future.  

Finally, RCRC made a motion for party status in the SGIP Proceeding on December 30, 2019 and filed timely comments on January 3rd for the Proposed Decision coming up for a vote at the CPUC Hearing on Thursday, February 6, 2020.  RCRC supports the Proposed Decision to expand funding for resiliency projects in RCRC member counties with medical needs, as well as critical infrastructure.