On Thursday, the state relaunched the former Forest Management Task Force with a new set of goals guided by the Wildfire Prevention and Forest Resilience Action Plan released in January. Rechristened as the Wildfire Prevention and Forest Resilience Task Force, the newly reorganized team has been streamlined and will be guided by an Executive Committee that spans all levels of government, including RCRC Chair Supervisor Stacy Corless, Mono County among its membership.

The Task Force has been refocused on implementing the 99 tasks included in the Action Plan, which range from wildfire fuels treatment to forest restoration to community fire hardening to biomass utilization to recreation and tourism opportunities on forests and wildlands. The meeting signaled the first of planned quarterly meetings by the Task Force, with regional meetings being scheduled for community participation and input in between.

For more information, visit the California Wildfire Prevention and Forest Resilience Task Force website here.