The second of two California Board of Forestry and Fire Protection members was confirmed earlier this week as current Board Chair, J. Keith Gilless, received approval from the State Senate. Gilless, who has served on the Board since 2011, has established a strong working relationship with RCRC through his work with the Governor’s Forest Management Task Force and the California Climate Action Team, and his willingness to work with local governments on planning and timber harvest issues. As Chair of the Board, Gilless has shepherded the Board through such large-scale undertakings as adoption of the Programmatic Vegetation Treatment Program and the related Environmental Impact Assessment, which will be vital to the State achieving its vegetation management and wildfire prevention goals.

The confirmation of Gilless follows last week’s confirmation of fellow Board member Katherine Delbar. Delbar has served on the Board since 2016, bringing her experience as both a timberland owner and a rancher living in an RCRC member county (Mendocino) to the Board’s decision-making process, which is vital to the Board’s understanding of timber management in rural communities. RCRC supported the confirmation of both Mr. Gilless and Ms. Delbar.