The minibus spending bill, which Congress has been working to approve this week, guarantees federal firefighters a continued pay increase until the end of September, in accordance with the 2021 bipartisan infrastructure law. Specifically, the bill allocates funds to maintain the temporary salary adjustment for wildland firefighters through fiscal year 2024. 

The initial minibus spending bill allocates $4 billion for federal firefighting, representing a 20% reduction. However, over $2 billion is reserved for potential future needs, in addition to carryover funds accessible by the agencies. Despite concerns about a potential "pay cliff," lawmakers have expressed intentions to pursue permanent pay raises for federal firefighters. The bipartisan Wildland Firefighter Paycheck Protection Act (H.R. 5169), sponsored by Representative Joe Neguse (D-Colorado), and the companion legislation sponsored by Senator Kyrsten Sinema (I-Arizona), S. 2272, are examples of the ongoing advocacy for a permanent solution to the firefighter pay disparity.