This week, the Senate-Assembly Budget Conference Committee completed its work on finalizing key aspects of the State Budget, primarily resolving many of the differences between the Senate and Assembly budget plans.  Over the past ten days, the Conference Committee has focused its work on issues pertaining to Human Services, Health, Education, and Natural Resources.  The final product on many of these issues will most likely be known when the State Budget and associated trailer bills are addressed on the Floor of each house.  It remains to be seen how much of the budget package will be completed on Monday as a few unresolved issues beyond the Conference Committee’s action remain.  The final Budget is constitutionally required to be passed before midnight on Monday, June 15.

RCRC staff will be monitoring the activities of budget adoption process on Monday and will be preparing a summary of key aspects of the Budget package as it pertains to RCRC member counties.  Furthermore, a full briefing on the State Budget will occur when the RCRC Board of Directors meets on Thursday, June 18 in Sierra County.  For additional information regarding the Budget Conference Committee or individual Budget issues, please contact the RCRC Governmental Affairs staff at (916) 447-4806.