With all of the potential federal funding for the medical and economic recovery of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic that is accessible to local government, RCRC staff attended a Grants Management Webcast for best practices and guidance for COVID-19 federal grants for state and local governments. This funding delivers a range of relief, including personal protective equipment, medical equipment, services, and loans to businesses. It also provides grant funding through programs managed by multiple Federal agencies and designed to benefit a diverse set of recipients/programs. The webinar provided a high level overview of the financial management and internal controls over disaster funding, specifically COVID-19 funding. As local agencies shift to manage and distribute new levels of grant funding, preparation and awareness of responsibilities to manage the funds and track performance is a crucial component. Local governments should ensure they understand the process, from eligibility through reporting and auditing.

Here are some helpful COVID-19 resource links for financial management best practices to use when administering COVID-19 grant proceeds.

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