Information related to the current status of legislation impacting California’s rural counties.
AB 6 (Friedman) Transportation planning: regional transportation plans: Solutions for Congested Corridors Program: reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. This bill would have amended reporting and transportation project review requirements, under SB 375 (2008), for the state’s 18 metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs), for project information pertaining to climate and greenhouse gas emissions impacts. The bill would have required MPOs to send technical methodologies to CA Air Resources Board for review before project selection and approval can commence. Location: Senate 2 year Status: 7/14/2023-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(10). (Last location was TRANS. on 6/14/2023)(May be acted upon Jan 2024) Position: Oppose Staff: Sidd (1)
AB 7 (Friedman) Transportation: planning: project selection processes. This bill would have required all transportation projects funded, at least in part, through major state or federal funding programs to incorporate several, specified principles that include improving road safety, conformity with federal streamlined project principles, ADA compliance, water and air quality impacts, climate impacts, and access to disadvantaged communities, among others. Location: Senate 2 year Status: 9/14/2023-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(14). (Last location was INACTIVE FILE on 9/11/2023)(May be acted upon Jan 2024) Staff: Sidd (1)
AB 62 (Mathis) Statewide water storage: expansion. Would have established a statewide goal to increase above- and below-ground water storage capacity by a total of 3,700,000 acre-feet by the year 2030 and a total of 4,000,000 acre-feet by the year 2040. The bill would have required the Department of Water Resources, in consultation with the state board, to take reasonable actions to promote or assist efforts to achieve the statewide goal, as provided. The bill would require the department, beginning July 1, 2027, and on or before July 1 every 2 years thereafter until January 1, 2043, in consultation with the state board, to prepare and submit a report to the Legislature on the progress made to achieve the statewide goal. Location: Assembly Dead Status: 2/1/2024-From committee: Filed with the Chief Clerk pursuant to Joint Rule 56. Staff: Sidd (1)
AB 66 (Mathis) Natural Resources Agency: water storage projects: permit approval. Would have required CA Natural Resources Agency, or the relevant state agency, to approve the necessary permits for specified storage projects within 180 days from receiving a permit application, and would deem those permits approved if approval does not occur within this time period. Location: Assembly Dead Status: 2/1/2024-From committee: Filed with the Chief Clerk pursuant to Joint Rule 56. Staff: Sidd (1)
AB 68 (Ward) Land use: streamlined housing approvals: density, subdivision, and utility approvals. Location: Assembly Dead Status: 2/1/2024-From committee: Filed with the Chief Clerk pursuant to Joint Rule 56. Position: No Position Staff: Tracy (1)
AB 422 (Alanis) Natural Resources Agency: statewide water storage: tracking. Would have required CA Natural Resources Agency, on or before June 1, 2024, to post on its publicly available internet website information tracking the progress to increase statewide water storage, and to keep that information updated. Location: Assembly Dead Status: 2/1/2024-From committee: Filed with the Chief Clerk pursuant to Joint Rule 56. Position: Watch Staff: Sidd (1)
AB 429 (Bennett) Groundwater wells: permits. If 1% of domestic wells were to go dry in a critically overdrafted basin, this bill would prohibit a county, city, or any other water well permitting agency from approving a permit for a new groundwater well or for an alteration to an existing well in a basin subject to the act and classified as a critically overdrafted basin unless the city county or well permitting agency obtains written verification from a groundwater sustainability agency that the proposed well would not be inconsistent with any sustainable groundwater management program AND the proposed well would not decrease the likelihood of achieving a sustainability goal for the basin covered by the plan. Location: Assembly Dead Status: 2/1/2024-From committee: Filed with the Chief Clerk pursuant to Joint Rule 56. Position: Oppose Staff: Sidd (1)
AB 460 (Bauer-Kahan) State Water Resources Control Board: water rights and usage: interim relief: procedures. This bill would authorize CA State Water Board to issue, on its own motion or upon the petition of an interested party, an interim relief order in appropriate circumstances to implement or enforce these and related provisions of law. The bill would provide that a person or entity that violates any interim relief order issued by the board would be liable to the board for a civil penalty in an amount not to exceed the sum of $10,000 for each day in which a violation occurs and $5,000 for each acre-foot of water diverted in violation of the interim relief order. Location: Senate 2 year Status: 7/14/2023-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(10). (Last location was N.R. & W. on 6/7/2023)(May be acted upon Jan 2024) Position: Watch Staff: Sidd (1)
AB 491 (Wallis) Local government: fines and penalties. Location: Senate Rules Status: 9/25/2023-Measure version as amended on September 13 corrected. Position: Sponsor Staff: Sarah (1)
AB 817 (Pacheco) Open meetings: teleconferencing: subsidiary body. AB 817 would provide a narrow exemption under the Ralph M.Brown Act for non-decision-making legislative bodies currently governed by Act, such as advisory bodies and commissions, to participate in two-way virtual teleconferencing without posting physical location of members. In addition, AB 817 would remove barriers to entry for appointed and elected office by allowing non-decision-making legislative bodies to participate virtually as long as they do not have the ability to take final action on legislation, regulations, contracts, licenses, permits, or other entitlements. Location: Senate Rules Status: 1/25/2024-Read third time. Passed. Ordered to the Senate. (Ayes 54. Noes 8.) In Senate. Read first time. To Com. on RLS. for assignment. Position: Sponsor Staff: Sarah (1)
AB 909 (Hoover) Solid Waste Disposal and Codisposal Site Cleanup Program. Makes illegally disposed hazardous wastes eligible for funding under the CalRecycle’s illegal dumping grant program. Location: Assembly Dead Status: 2/1/2024-From committee: Filed with the Chief Clerk pursuant to Joint Rule 56. Position: Sponsor Staff: John (1)
AB 944 (Irwin) Fire stations: alternative power generation. Requires fire stations to have an alternative method to provide power generation for at least 96 hours during power outages. Location: Assembly Dead Status: 2/1/2024-From committee: Filed with the Chief Clerk pursuant to Joint Rule 56. Position: Watch Staff: John (1)
AB 998 (Connolly) Biomass energy facilities: State Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission: report. Requires the Energy Commission to issue a report on the utility-scale biomass combustion facilities still in operation as of January 1, 2024. The report must include an assessment of operational factors of each facility, a comparison of direct combustion compared to other biomass energy technologies, and a recommended strategy, if appropriate, to repower biomass combustion facilities to noncombustion conversion technologies. The report must include recommendations and strategies related to areas where combustion biomass facilities may be shut down or repowered, including strategies related to baseload power generation, processing waste, and job training. Location: Senate 2 year Status: 9/1/2023-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(11). (Last location was APPR. SUSPENSE FILE on 7/10/2023)(May be acted upon Jan 2024) Position: Support Staff: John (1)
AB 1000 (Reyes) Qualifying logistics use projects. Prohibits local governments from approving warehouse development projects located within 1,000 feet of a large variety of sensitive receptors. Imposes new conditions on local approval of warehouse projects between 750-1000 feet of those sensitive receptors, in addition to mitigation measures required under CEQA. Location: Assembly Dead Status: 2/1/2024-From committee: Filed with the Chief Clerk pursuant to Joint Rule 56. Position: Removal of Opposition Staff: John (1)
AB 1168 (Bennett) Emergency medical services (EMS): prehospital EMS. Would overturn an extensive statutory and case law record that has repeatedly affirmed county responsibility for the administration of emergency medical services and with that, the flexibility to design systems to equitably serve residents throughout their jurisdiction. Location: Senate 2 year Status: 9/14/2023-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(14). (Last location was INACTIVE FILE on 9/12/2023)(May be acted upon Jan 2024) Position: Oppose Staff: Sarah (1)
AB 1272 (Wood) State Water Resources Control Board: drought planning. This bill would have required State Water Board to establish a program, in consultation with the Department of Fish and Wildlife, to adopt principles and guidelines for diversion and use of water in coastal watersheds, as specified, during times of water shortage for drought preparedness and climate resiliency. The bill would have required that the principles and guidelines provide for the development of watershed-level plans to support public trust uses, public health and safety, and the human right to water in times of water shortage, among other things. Location: Senate Desk Status: 9/14/2023-Withdrawn from Engrossing and Enrolling. Ordered to the Senate. In Senate. Held at Desk. Position: Watch Staff: Sidd (1)
AB 1337 (Wicks) State Water Resources Control Board: water diversion curtailment. This bill would have expanded the instances when the diversion or use of water is considered a trespass, and would have directed State Water Board to adopt regulations for various water conservation purposes, including, but not limited to, to prevent the waste, unreasonable use, unreasonable method of use, or unreasonable method of diversion of water, and to implement these regulations through orders curtailing the diversion or use of water under any claim of right. Location: Senate 2 year Status: 7/14/2023-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(10). (Last location was N.R. & W. on 6/7/2023)(May be acted upon Jan 2024) Position: Watch Staff: Sidd (1)
AB 1563 (Bennett) Groundwater sustainability agency: groundwater extraction permit: verification. This bill would have required a county, city, or any other water well permitting agency to obtain a written verification from the groundwater sustainability agency that manages the basin or area of the basin where the well is proposed to be located determining that, among other things, the extraction by the proposed well is consistent with any sustainable groundwater management program. Location: Senate 2 year Status: 7/14/2023-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(10). (Last location was GOV. & F. on 6/22/2023)(May be acted upon Jan 2024) Position: Oppose Staff: Sidd (1)
AB 1616 (Lackey) California Cannabis Tax Fund: Board of State and Community Corrections grants. AB 1616 would require the Board of State and Community Corrections to prioritize local governments whose programs seek to address the unlawful cultivation and sale of cannabis when disbursing grants from California Cannabis Tax Fund. The bill would also authorize the board to make grants to local governments that ban both indoor and outdoor commercial cannabis cultivation or ban retail sale of cannabis or cannabis products. Location: Senate Public Safety Status: 6/26/2023-From committee: Do pass and re-refer to Com. on PUB S. (Ayes 9. Noes 2.) (June 26). Re-referred to Com. on PUB S. Position: Support Staff: Sarah (1)
SB 23 (Caballero) Water supply and flood risk reduction projects: expedited permitting. This bill would have authorized a state agency, defined to mean any agency, board, or commission, including the state board or the regional boards, with the power to issue a permit that would authorize a water supply project or authorize a flood risk reduction project, to take specified actions in order to complete permit review and approval in an expeditious manner. The bill would have made findings and declarations related to the need to expedite water supply projects and flood risk reduction projects to better address climate change impacts while protecting the environment. Location: Senate Dead Status: 2/1/2024-Returned to Secretary of Senate pursuant to Joint Rule 56. Staff: Sidd (1)
SB 367 (Seyarto) Farm, ranch, and public lands cleanup and abatement: grant program. Creates a grant program to facilitate the proper disposal of illegally dumped waste on state and federal lands. Location: Assembly 2 year Status: 9/1/2023-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(11). (Last location was APPR. SUSPENSE FILE on 8/16/2023)(May be acted upon Jan 2024) Position: Support Staff: John (1)
SB 399 (Wahab) Employer communications: intimidation. Location: Assembly 2 year Status: 9/1/2023-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(11). (Last location was APPR. on 7/11/2023)(May be acted upon Jan 2024) Position: Oppose Staff: Sarah (1)
SB 418 (Padilla) California Prison Redevelopment Commission. Would establish the California Prison Redevelopment Commission and articulate its responsibilities including its composition, with a focus on developing recommendations for repurposing closed state prison facilities. Location: Assembly 2 year Status: 9/1/2023-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(11). (Last location was APPR. SUSPENSE FILE on 8/16/2023)(May be acted upon Jan 2024) Position: Support Staff: Mary-Ann (1)
SB 584 (Limón) Laborforce housing: Short-Term Rental Tax Law. Location: Assembly Housing and Community Development Status: 6/29/2023-June 28 set for first hearing canceled at the request of author. Position: Oppose Staff: Sarah (1)
SB 624 (Alvarado-Gil) Horse racing: state-designated fairs: allocation of revenues: gross receipts for sales and use tax. Location: Assembly Revenue and Taxation Suspense File Status: 7/10/2023-July 10 set for first hearing. Placed on REV. & TAX. suspense file. July 10 hearing. Held in committee and under submission. Position: Support Staff: Mary-Ann (1)
SB 675 (Limón) Prescribed grazing: local assistance grant program: Wildfire and Forest Resilience Task Force. Location: Assembly 2 year Status: 9/14/2023-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(14). (Last location was INACTIVE FILE on 9/12/2023)(May be acted upon Jan 2024) Position: Support Staff: Staci (1)
SB 820 (Alvarado-Gil) Cannabis: enforcement: seizure of property. Adapts the same seizure of property provisions currently applicable to unlicensed manufacturing of alcoholic beverages (i.e., moonshining), to cover unlicensed commercial cannabis activities. In addition, SB 820 would invest enforcement proceeds in the Cannabis Control Fund to support equity business. Location: Assembly Desk Status: 1/29/2024-Read third time. Passed. (Ayes 36. Noes 0.) Ordered to the Assembly. In Assembly. Read first time. Held at Desk. Position: Sponsor Staff: Sarah (1)
SB 960 (Wiener) Transportation: planning: transit priority projects: multimodal. Would require all transportation projects funded or overseen by the Department of Transportation to provide comfortable, convenient, and connected complete streets facilities unless an exemption is documented and approved, as specified. Location: Senate Rules Status: 1/24/2024-From printer. May be acted upon on or after February 23. Position: Watch Staff: Sidd (1)
SB 961 (Wiener) Vehicles: safety equipment. The Department of the California Highway Patrol regulates the safe operation of specified vehicles, including motortrucks of 3 or more axles that are more than 10,000 pounds, truck tractors, trailers, semitrailers, and buses. Current federal law regulates required safety equipment on vehicles, including rear impact guards on certain large trucks to prevent rear underrides in collisions with passenger vehicles. This bill would require certain trucks and trailers to also be equipped with side guards, as specified. Location: Senate Rules Status: 1/24/2024-From printer. May be acted upon on or after February 23. Position: Watch Staff: Sidd (1)