The RCRC Officers arrived in Washington, D.C. early this week to hold meetings on Capitol Hill, prior to the convening of the National Association of Counties (NACo) Legislative Conference. RCRC Chair Doug Teeter, First Vice Chair Chris Lopez, Second Vice Chair Geri Byrne, Executive Committee Member At-Large Matt Kingsley, and Executive Committee Member EJ Crandell (Region 3), have been meeting with members of the California congressional delegation, as well as key senior Administration officials from a variety of agencies about important rural issues.  

Members of RCRC’s leadership delegation will remain in Washington for the NACo Legislative Conference, where they will participate in the national discourse about public lands, agriculture, and other key matters for rural counties. Supervisor Matt Kingsley will also attend the meeting of the Western Interstate Region (WIR) Board of Directors, on which he serves as RCRC’s representative.